Congrats, to our Varsity team for beating LACES.
Our Junior Varisty should've done the same but like Nichelle said .. " IT WAS UNLUCKY"
ohhhh well next time giiirrliiiiess.oo0d.
soooo, um the score was only 1-0 too bad we only got to play Laces twice.
it's all good! we have two games next weeekk:]
but anyways.. i can't help but think that my 7th period teacher HATES ME.
it's not really my fault i miss that class all time, :// i actually like that spanish class, its easy and shes cooL. but i'll try and figure it alllll outtt, cause im Gee like that.
i have a new thing for leavingg videos on people's facebook now:]
i looove it. haha. im just ramblingg now..
and ill think ill put on a random picture to end this.
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